Friday, December 9, 2011

Don't be Afraid

To take that leap of faith and study abroad!

When looking for a program to sign up for to do study abroad, I knew no one, not one single person! but i still signed up.


Each person going on a study abroad trip has the same goals in mind... meet new people, gain more knowledge and have a good time. But really, MAKING NEW FRIENDS, is something that everyone knows is going to happen!

Many people on our 5 week study abroad trip were in the same boat...or plane, but really, most people didn't know anyone else going so we all were feeling the same.

the group on a boat
From the time we left the airport in Fargo on September 18-- we were all ready to make the best of our 5 weeks overseas and with each other.  I came home with 13 of the best friends I will ever have.  We spent on average 14 hours days together every day. And had so much fun, that still we talk about it every day!  They are people you will always have this experience to share with.

I can that yes, I was scared, nervous, second guessing, anxious, about having to sign up for a study abroad program without knowing a single person.
But thus far, it is the greatest thing I have done in my 21 1/2 years and I would not change a single second.

So take that leap and sign up for study abroad! If you have any questions at all about a program or want to know more detailed how our 5 week program went feel free to get a hold of me and ask ask ask!! Also check out this website to find a program for you and check out more blog posts about studying abroad!


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