Friday, December 9, 2011

Top 10 Reasons to Study Abroad


 Top 10 Reasons to Study Abroad

1. See the world and broaden your experiences. Try seeing the world through someone else's perspective.
2. Gain a new perspective on your own country. Being immersed in your own country tends to give you a limited view of the world.
3. Explore your heritage. Learn about your roots and explore your ethnicity.
4. Learn a language and immerse yourself in it.
5. Amp up your resume. International experience is an impressive part of any resume.
6. Gain new insights by developing new relationships. These might be some of the deepest relationships you'll ever form.
7. Put a rest to stereotypes by educating others. Don't allow the same stereotypes from home follow you over seas.
8. Personal Growth. You will truly better yourself by being open to this experience.
9. Educational experiences. You can't even possibly begin to imagine all the things you will learn and the life lessons you will gain.
10. SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU CAN!! If you're lucky enough to be given this opportunity, take it!

- Danielle

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these top 10 reasons to study abroad. Lastly, you become more independent in doing such.
